2013年1月13日 星期日












Joyce Jonathan

Je ne sais pas

I don't know

There are some words which embarass me, hundreds of words, thousands of same old things that are never the same
How could I tell you, I don't wanna lie to you, you attract me, and this is where lies the true heart of the problem
Your pride, your whims, your kisses, your pleasures, your desires, torments, I really don't see where this is getting us
So we pull ourselves together, it's not the end of our world
And we wrongly question ourselves again one last time
I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid to screw up everything, to ruin everything
A lot of ideas to clarify from way back
But I've always been leaving my feelings behind
I sometimes think that I'm wrong staying so passive, but you look at me, I devour you
And it's sometimes too hard to distinguish love
My friend, my lover, my love and even more
So we pull ourselves together, it's not the end of our world
And we wrongly question ourselves again one last time
I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid to screw up everything, to ruin everything
A lot of ideas to clarify from way back
But I've always been leaving my feelings behind
(x 2)
I want just you with flaws and your manufacturing problems
I want just you, I don't want a fake, no forgery
I don't want to return you to get another
I don't want to sell you up for one or two mistakes
I want your words, I want your skin, it's never too much
I don't want you anymore, I changed my mind. I've seen another one a bit better-looking*
I don't want, don't want anymore, never wanted
And who are you, I don't know you, you must've been dreaming, it wasn't me
My confusions, you know them, let's give up
How to tell you, I'm afraid to screw up everything, to ruin everything
A lot of ideas to clarify from way back
But I've always been leaving my feelings behind
I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid to screw up everything, to ruin everything
A lot of ideas to clarify from way back
But I've always been leaving my feelings behind

3 則留言:

  1. 看來姐姐已經投入了一台義式咖啡機咯,真會享受呐
    [版主回覆01/16/2013 20:35:12]沒有,咖啡機很佔地方和清洗麻煩,數十元的法式濾壓壺已經附合我的要求了!

  2. 澳門總是給人悠閒的感覺!好喜歡!
    [版主回覆01/20/2013 17:34:04]只停留短短的數小時,但感覺真的很游閒寫意!

  3. 澳門歡迎你
    [版主回覆03/02/2013 22:01:40]我相信會多到訪澳門,澳門大使!
